Last week was incredible, it was also very surreal - We are not even talking about the fact that “It’s Coming Home!” We have been lucky enough to partner with Lucas Systems as their exhibition stand designer and contractor for over 6 years and have built a great relationship with them. It has been incredible to be part of their journey and see them grow as a business in that time with live marketing a key part of their growth strategy. Hence it was wonderful to be back onsite with them IntraLogisteX Exhibition 2021, an actual live event; our first for 15 months! Organisers Akabo Media have worked tirelessly to make this event happen despite having postpone and cancel previous shows through ever changing restrictions. Last week was full of excitement and maybe a tiny bit of trepidation, not knowing quite what to expect during the build and the fact that we hadn’t been onsite for such a long time. The project was triple checked throughout every part of planning and manufacture but like old cliché says “It’s just like riding a bike”!! In fact the build and the breakdown was probably one of the smoothest onsite projects that we have worked on. The collective of ESM and our amazing client, Lucas Systems, PLUS the hard work and professionalism of Akabo Media, the staff at Ricoh Arena, Showlite Ltd and all of the other event contractors and suppliers, made IntralogisteX a huge success. It was great to see smiling and familiar faces of many suppliers and exhibitors just happy to be back at a live event again and long may it continue. We caught up with James Hart from Lucas Systems to get his thoughts on why exhibitions such as Intralogistex are so important: “It was great to be back out meeting with people in the industry to see a few familiar faces after so long without an event like IntraLogisteX. Aside from the obvious mask wearing and social distancing it felt like normal again and the whole event had a very positive feel.” “We did get some good leads, we didn’t get as many as previous years which was to be expected, but we got some very good quality ones. It seemed to be an event that had people truly looking for a solution, as opposed to just having a day out.” Events such as IntraLogisteX Exhibition as still very important for us. We of course have other marketing strategies and ways to generate leads, but events are still a crucial way to get in front of new prospects. I wasn’t sure before IntraLogisteX Exhibition what the impact of the past 15+ months would do to exhibitions and had relatively low expectations, but ILX21 definitely surpassed what I thought it would be like. I think the quality of exhibitions can vary massively, but if you find the right ones then they can be vital!" Thank you so much James Hart for taking the time to talk to us - Live events are BACK! #liveevents #exhibitions #events #intralogistex #ricoharena #design #build